ready performed two homosexual marriages, and they are lasting because the partners know the meaning of Love-they know the meaning of being One.

My blessings be with you: the Members, the Editors, Directors and all that foster the ONE Movement. May the Lord bless you and your work.

Dear Editor:


St. Louis, Missouri

I am very proud of being a homosexual, despite the periods of conflict that arise now and then. I've had many unforgettable moments and expect many more.

Some of the fellows and I cannot agree with the writer, of "The Homosexual Nudist'' (April, 1959). We are firm believers in the segregation of the sexes in such delicate matters. All of us would enjoy very much the sight of the beautiful male bodies to be seen in such a camp. However, to have any females present seems repulsive. We do NOT believe a homosexual should ever lower himself and his pride by joining the present-day nudist organizations, unless they are exclusively for our sex.

The female, as far as we are concerned, need not and NEVER should behold the truly wondrous glory of men, especially their physiques. To me, a man has a mystical quality of beauty and meaningfulness beyond mere pleasure.

The idea stated by Dr. Merritt that a homosexual partnership was the best thing we fully agree with, and have actually proven to ourselves its intrinsic value. I want to commend you on your outstanding work.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Mr. S. Reykjavik, Iceland

How wonderful it is to have a magazine devoted to OUR CAUSE. You cannot imagine how thrilled I was when a friend showed me a copy. When I looked at the cover and saw who it was for, then I knew I was on the IN and not on the OUTSIDE looking in.

One reader asked to know where others can be contacted. In every city I have been in it has not been long before I am fully acquainted with the fraternity.

Dear Sirs:

Mr. W. Washington, D. C.

Is it at all possible for you to give me the name of a lonesome person such as I? Certainly I am not the first that has asked this


of you. Surely it would be easy enough for you to pass on the name of a correspondent asking the same thing I do.


Mr. B.

Huntington Park, California

I would like to know if you have something of a lonely hearts" club where one might find a companion. If you do not have such a club I wonder if you could inform me of any female subscribers in this area. I realize that these things are probably confidential but I am pleading with you.


Miss F.

Sacramento, California

Those troubled by this recurring problem are referred to Dr. Baker's discussions of it in recent installments of her column "Toward Understanding", also, the above letter from Mr. W., Washington, D. C. As to giving out the names of subscribers, these are held in strictest confidence and not given out to anyone. Correspondents are requested to read carefully the notice appearing at the head of this section each month.

Dear Friends:

I have received and read the June, 1959, issue, discerning value in the Editorial, Tangents, "The Traffic in Pornography," "Toward Undestanding" and the Letters, not much in the rest. Of course it is possible mildly to enjoy some things of negligible worth; and, anyway, who asked me? But I thank you warmly for the 50% which I found valuable and readily acknowledge the possibility (which justifies the presentation) that others may find value where I did not. And recalling the poem of Dinah Maria Mulock Craick quoted by Dr. Baker, I incline to think of ONE as such a friend.

Dear ONE:

Mr. S.

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Today I read my first copy of ONE. To say that I enjoyed it would be saying it very mildly. It is a tremendous publication. We really need your Magazine.

Why don't you add some illustrative male


My Dear Editor:

Mr. R. Dallas, Texas

I am happy indeed to join the ranks of the "Friends of ONE." You are doing a most valuable service both for the homophile and also for the public at large-if they only knew it.